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Community events

Girls and Young Women Empowerment Luncheon
and "This is Me" art Contest

Saturday, January 25, 2025 from 11:00 to 2:00 pm

Join us and New Mexico Women as we celebrate our local girls and young women by encouraging their creative self-expression! The "This is Me" Contest offers cash prizes for winners in each category of artistic forms of self-expression in each age category.


"This is Me" Art Self-Expression Contest Entry Categories

  1. Literary

    • Title: This is Me

    • Forms:  Poetry or Essay

    • Guidelines:

      • Typed or neatly handwritten

      • No more than 300 words

      • Font no smaller than 12 pt

      • Must be original work. No Plagiarism. No AI.

  2. Visual​

    • Title: This is Me​

    • Forms: Painting, Drawing, or Collage

    • Guidelines:

      • Do not use larger than 18x24 or smaller than 8x10 canvas or posterboard​

      • Only use water paint, oil paint, acrylic paint, lead pencil, colored pencils, ink pens, felt markers, chalk, charcoal, or crayons

      • Various paper types are allowed such as colored tissue paper, construction paper, card stock, cards, newspaper print, magazines, or photographs

      • The use of copyright digital images is not permitted. Your artwork must be originally created and completed by you.


Contest Rules and Information​

  • The Contest Registration Form (found below) and Art Entries must be turned in to The Counseling Center (1900 10th Street, Alamogordo) no later than 5:00 PM on January 17, 2025.

  • Every girl present at the luncheon will receive a free t-shirt, a $10 Sonic gift card, and lunch at the event as a thank you for sharing her art with our community. A parent or guardian is encouraged to accompany their daughter.

  • Age categories: 12 - 14 and 15 - 18

  • Prizes: A 1st place prize of a $100 VISA gift card and a 2nd place prize of a $50 VISA gift cards will be awarded to the winners of each age category in each art category. This is a total of four 1st place winners and four 2nd place winners.

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