Community events
Girls and Young Women Empowerment Luncheon
and "This is Me" art Contest
Saturday, January 25, 2025 from 11:00 to 2:00 pm
Join us and New Mexico Women as we celebrate our local girls and young women by encouraging their creative self-expression! The "This is Me" Contest offers cash prizes for winners in each category of artistic forms of self-expression in each age category.
"This is Me" Art Self-Expression Contest Entry Categories
Title: This is Me
Forms: Poetry or Essay
Typed or neatly handwritten
No more than 300 words
Font no smaller than 12 pt
Must be original work. No Plagiarism. No AI.
Title: This is Me​
Forms: Painting, Drawing, or Collage
Do not use larger than 18x24 or smaller than 8x10 canvas or posterboard​
Only use water paint, oil paint, acrylic paint, lead pencil, colored pencils, ink pens, felt markers, chalk, charcoal, or crayons
Various paper types are allowed such as colored tissue paper, construction paper, card stock, cards, newspaper print, magazines, or photographs
The use of copyright digital images is not permitted. Your artwork must be originally created and completed by you.
Contest Rules and Information​
The Contest Registration Form (found below) and Art Entries must be turned in to The Counseling Center (1900 10th Street, Alamogordo) no later than 5:00 PM on January 17, 2025.
Every girl present at the luncheon will receive a free t-shirt, a $10 Sonic gift card, and lunch at the event as a thank you for sharing her art with our community. A parent or guardian is encouraged to accompany their daughter.
Age categories: 12 - 14 and 15 - 18
Prizes: A 1st place prize of a $100 VISA gift card and a 2nd place prize of a $50 VISA gift cards will be awarded to the winners of each age category in each art category. This is a total of four 1st place winners and four 2nd place winners.
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